Song Review | .A Means To An End. By Bury The Remains

Bury The Remains 2022 single, ".A Means To An End." starts off with electronic elements and a drum beat that builds anticipation for the eventual jump into the aggressive parts of the song. Bury The Remains bursts into growled vocals, screeching guitar dissonance, and chugging. The electronic samples are kept in the background, adding a sense of melody and furthering the atmosphere of the track. Blast beats along with a faster tempo are used to keep variation and make the slower tempo feel even heavier in juxtaposition. Bury The Remains creates an intense sound with their vocals, powerful drumming, and chugging but they also blend melodic and electronic sounds so well with their songs that really adds a layer to their music that makes them stand out. ".A Means To An End." has an incredible breakdown with bending notes and a strong emphasis on the drums. The song then goes back into the electronic intro and slowly fades out. Bury The Remains is a band that really mixes up the typical heavy metal sound and adds lots of influences to their music, make sure to check these guys out!
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