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Song Review | "Do it" - Frank Zozky, feat. Kurkox

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by The Metalverse
Song Review | "Do it" - Frank Zozky, feat. Kurkox
Spotify: Frank Zozky, Kurkox

Frank Zozky, an electronic producer from NYC, has collaborated with Kurkox to bring to life their new single, "Do it". The song mixes EDM and pop-punk rock music styles, creating a unique blend of sound that is incredibly different from most music that we've heard before. The song features bright guitar chords that are signature of pop-punk as well as muffled singing that adds to the atmosphere of the song, really bringing in the dance feeling of the track. The drumming is definitely very electronic dance themed and adds a fun and continuous energy to the single.

Frank Zozky creates a song that feels like it would be a perfect fit for a party, club, or music venue. "Do it"  really captures the feeling of angsty pop-punk bands such as Green Day and blink-182. Overall this is a very dynamic track that creates a really intriguing mixture of rock, punk, and dance music. With a runtime of 2:11, "Do it" is catchy and easy to listen to multiple times in a row. Fans of dance music, rock, and bands like Sum 41 and My Chemical Romance will really enjoy this track.

Find Them Here:            Soundcloud               Spotify

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by The Metalverse

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