Song Review | "M.E.6" - Media

Media hails from Phoenix Arizona, they label themselves as "extra dimensional spillage resembling a rock band". As expected by their description, Media is a band that knows no boundaries and doesn't confine themselves to specific genres or conventional music. Their track "M.E.6" comes in at nearly 7 minutes and takes you through an extraterrestrial sonic journey. The song slowly builds itself up with clean singing and ambient synths that create a space-inspired atmosphere. Drum beats that would be typical of pop or trap genres blend in with groovy bass, and multiple vocal harmonies to create a truly unique sound.
Media picks up the pace and adds in many more layers of instrumentals to widen the entire sound of the track before fading into silence. A droning synth grows anticipation before leading into high prog guitar instrumentals that may remind fans of bands like Tool or Nine Inch Nails. "M.E.6" transcends genres with very interesting lyrical content and an industrial/prog-influenced sound that is vastly different from most modern music. You can check out their debut EP "Influence" now on streaming services! Fans of Industrial, Progressive rock/metal, and more will highly enjoy Media's distinct sound.
Find Them Here: Spotify Instagram "Influence" EP
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