EP Review | Emotional Abandonment By Nerve Burner

Nerve Burner's 7-track EP "Emotional Abandonment" is available on all streaming platforms! The EP is 16 minutes long and filled with short but absolutely brutal songs. "Torment Pt. 1" is the introduction to the album, starting with ominous orchestral ambience that explodes into a sudden djent influenced guitar riff and breakdown beat that will surely leave you banging your head.
The vocals on the EP cover a lot of extreme metal vocal techniques such as gutturals, growls, fry screams, and more! Nerve Burner uses lots of effects and different styles to make their brand of deathcore different yet keep the classic sound we all love. One example of this is with the 3rd song of the EP, "Vicariance". The track starts with an intro with a heavily distorted lofi/underwater effect that makes the song hit that much harder when the audio quality intentionally improves.
The 5th song "Atonement" features an audio sample with melancholy instrumentals in the background that lead into a guitar solo. This 1 minute and 40-second track really experiments and varies from the rest of the album. This is particularly enjoyable and causes the next song to contrast it so well as Nerve Burner leads back into their much heavier work.
With more of their heavy djent and highly distorted guitar riffs, blast beats, and intermittent breakdowns, Nerve Burner continues their intense and extreme metal sound. The 7th and final song of the album "...And So I Dug" mixes in a blackened yet melodic sound in the chorus that still manages to not lose intensity. This song has some of the most powerful breakdowns of the album and finishes the album off on an incredibly strong note. If you are a fan of classic deathcore or any form of hardcore metal, Nerve Burner is a band you won't want to miss! Check them out!!
Nerve Burner's Merch Is Available Here!
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