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Song Review | "signal" - Drew South

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by The Metalverse
Song Review | "signal" - Drew South
Spotify: Drew South

West Tennessee solo artist, Drew South, just released his latest album, "make war". "signal" is an incredibly heavy and brutal song that blends deathcore, metalcore, and symphonic influences. The song starts with extreme deathcore vocals, rapid double bass drumming, tremolo-picking guitar, and melodic elements layered behind it. This changes into chugging and more djent-influenced instrumentals before leading into a huge and unexpected singing chorus. After the chorus is an intense breakdown with a "blegh" and screeching guitar dissonance.

Dark Piano leads into another catchy chorus before transitioning into an even more dramatic breakdown, this time with more drawn-out silence and intermittent chugging. Drew South has created an incredible sound that combines the heavy style of deathcore with the chorus style of a metalcore song and mixes in melodic and orchestral elements to add even more to the sound. Fans of extreme metal and metalcore will enjoy Drew South and his latest album, "make a war"!

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