Song Review | "Sonant" - Gone By Nin9

Hailing from Texas, the 4-piece band Gone By Nin9 just released their newest single, "Sonant". Gone By Nin9 starts off the song with some groovy, clean electric guitar playing. The band quickly sets a relaxed, classic rock sound with emotional singing layered over gentle instrumentals. The nearly 5:00 song has a fast transition from soaring vocals to distorted guitar and much more energetic raspy singing. "Sonant" features a dynamic change to a much more intense rock sound that still keeps the roots of the calmer start.
Gone By Nin9 shifts back to the clean instrumentals, before eventually changing back to the heavier rock again. These changes add variation to the song and build tension as you wait for the switch. The last minute of the song continues the much fiercer sound and passionate vocals, while the bright yet distorted guitar chords work to create a sound that is encapsulating. Fans of rock and bands like Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots will really enjoy Gone By Nin9.