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Song Review | "Wait" - Pushing Veronica

Southern Californian band, Pushing Veronica, captures a classic alternative rock sound mixed with influences of other genres such as pop-punk and indie rock.

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by The Metalverse
Song Review | "Wait" - Pushing Veronica
Spotify: Pushing Veronica

Southern Californian band, Pushing Veronica, captures a classic alternative rock sound mixed with influences of other genres such as pop-punk and indie rock. "Wait" starts with just bass, drums, and singing vocals. Pushing Veronica uses verses that are reminiscent of a modern pop song with strong vocal melodies in the forefront and layered instrumentals in the background.

When the powerful sing-along chorus kicks in it makes it so much more energetic and emotional because of the lack of guitar and highly projected vocals in the verse. The chorus displays a very full atmosphere that is incredibly melodic and uses a strong vocal hook. Pushing Veronica mixes rock with pop in a way that is enjoyable to fans of both genres and they create an overall signature sound. Fans of bands like Green Day and Highly Suspect will enjoy "Wait". Check it out!

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