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Song Review: Wretched Idol - "Dismember the Martyr"

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by The Metalverse
Death Metal Band Wretched Idol release new song |

Hailing from Southern Indiana, death metal act Wretched Idol released their latest single "Dismember the Martyr" on February 22nd. The track starts off with a minute long intro filled with slamming snare hits, explosive guitar tones, and speeding double bass drumming.

After quickly showcasing a thrashing death metal sound, Wretched Idol bursts into hard-hitting distorted chugging, grooving drum beats, and ferociously brutal growls. Masterfully creating contrast between faster and more dramatic tempos, "Dismember the Martyr" fills momentary silences with screeching guitar pinch harmonics, soaring instrumental leads, and bright tremolo picking. Mixing elements of thrash, death metal, black metal, and down-tempo metal, Wretched Idol creates an exciting display of brutality within their crushingly-destructive soundscapes.

Clocking in at just past 4 minutes, "Dismember the Martyr" balances melodic guitar leads with intensely heavy percussive extreme vocal hooks, booming drums, and deep rhythm guitar chugs. Fans of all extreme metal genres will be sure to enjoy Wretched Idol's wildly powerful death metal sound. You can stream "Dismember the Martyr" out everywhere now!

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by The Metalverse

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